Crystals for Beginners | 10 Best Crystals & How to Use Them

Crystals have become a cornerstone of the spiritual and alternative healing communities for their supposed ability to balance energy in the body, provide protection from negative energy, ward off illness, induce relaxation, and more. Despite their popularity in alternative communities, the healing qualities of crystals are still relatively unrecognized and disregarded by mainstream practitioners. If you’re curious about crystals, you may feel like you don’t know where to start, what crystals you should utilize for your needs, and if there is any truth to crystal healing at all. 

For this beginner’s guide I’ve included a short history on crystal usage, a list of the 10 best crystals for beginners, and tips on how to harness each crystal’s energy.

Crystals History & Crystals Science

Forming thousands, and for some, millions of years ago through a variety of organic processes, crystals are believed by many to harvest powerful energy from the earth. Crystals contain a unique combination of crystalline structures, and because they are protected within rock and largely uninterrupted, they are seen as a highly stable source of energy, capable of balancing, shifting, or protecting energy within the body.

These claims are not completely unfounded, as some crystals are used in electronics such as computers, phones, watches, and televisions for their stabilizing properties. Additionally, crystals have a long history of healing use, seen within Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Mayan, and Chinese cultures. Although crystal healing fell largely out of use in the U.S. through the first half of the 20th century, it saw a rise in popularity with the New Age movement in the 1970s, and another surge more recently, as natural healing has become a more widely adopted approach.

Scientific research has yet to prove any of the healing claims made around crystals, however, that doesn’t mean they can’t make a positive impact in your life, or at the very least, make a beautiful, natural decorative piece! However you choose to work with crystals in your life, I always recommend trying your best to support shops utilizing ethically sourced crystals.

How to Use Crystals – 10 Best Crystals for Beginners

rose quartz benefits

Rose Quartz

If you need to bring love into your life, rose quartz is the stone for you. Rose quartz has a long history as the stone of love, being used for totems and jewelry in ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian cultures. Rose quartz is believed to open up the heart chakra, making it easier to attract and embody love for ourselves and others. It is also known to balance relationships, providing warmth in those lacking it and cooling down any conflicting personalities.

How to Use Rose Quartz

Keep rose quartz on you when you are going through a difficult time, such as after a breakup or loss. Place rose quartz in spaces where and when you want to create a feeling of intimacy, such as in an area of your home where you gather with family and friends, or when going on a date. It can also make a unique gift as a way to show your love for someone who may be struggling to find space for tenderness in their life.

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Citrine is one of the most commonly used quartz crystals, as its iridescent orangey tones make for stunning jewelry and decor. Citrine is known for attracting abundance and successful endeavors. It is believed to invite positive experiences, especially in dealings around work and creative pursuits.

How to Use Citrine

Keep citrine around at work or while working on a creative project. It is also excellent to keep on you when you’re feeling unconfident, as its energy works with the solar plexus chakra to restore self-worth and power.

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Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is known to calm anxiety by relieving harmful thinking patterns, as well as providing cleansing and protection from negative energy. It is commonly found in its jagged, raw form, but can also be found tumbled and polished. 

How to Use Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a powerful stone to keep around your house, as it encourages the elimination of negativity. Put it by your front door to help anyone entering leave behind antagonistic feelings, or place it throughout your home if you find yourself caught up in a loop of overthinking. 

Additionally, if you do spiritual work or work in a field which requires you to be in tune with others’ emotions, carry black tourmaline to prevent bringing negativity home with you.

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Most are familiar with the brilliant purple crystal known as amethyst. It is commonly used as a decorative item, and like rose quartz, amethyst has a long history, being used in ancient Rome and Greece as a tool to prevent drunkenness. Amethyst is known today as a stone of healing, relaxation, and spiritual openness.

How to Use Amethyst

Carry amethyst with you when you are feeling fearful, apathetic, or disconnected from yourself and the world around you. Since amethyst is associated with the crown chakra, it is helpful in creating feelings of peace and mental rest. For that reason also, a good place to keep amethyst is next to your bed, under your pillow, or in any other area of your home reserved for tranquil moments.

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Pyrite is one of my favorite crystals visually, as in its raw form it creates dazzling geometric patterns. Pyrite is thought to provide protection from physical dangers, manipulative situations, and negativity in all forms. It is also believed to bring good luck in the form of inspiration, creativity, wealth, and opportunity.

How to Use Pyrite

Use pyrite in any areas of your life where you feel you need a bit of luck. Carry it with you to an interview, keep a piece in your wallet, or hold it while journaling about the future or doing a manifestation practice.

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Known as the “stone of wisdom”, sodalite is thought to increase concentration and provide emotional stability, creating a space for focused mental and emotional healing without allowing you to become overwhelmed in the process.

How to Use Sodalite

Keep sodalite in an office or other spaces where you are doing work which requires focus and concentration. You may also use sodalite in conjunction with other crystals, such as rose quartz or pyrite, so you can focus on your uplifting intentions while simultaneously clearing out negative or limiting beliefs.

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Red Jasper

Jasper can be found in a variety of colors, but is most commonly seen in its red form. Red jasper is very grounding and emphasizes balance. For those who are stressed, it provides tranquility, and for those who lack motivation, it creates an energizing effect. In this way, red jasper has a nurturing quality, providing us with the harmony we need to feel and be our best selves.

How to Use Red Jasper

Red jasper is a great stone to keep around when you are going through a transition, as it helps you stay grounded and calm in the face of ambiguity. If you are beginning a big project, place red jasper in the space where you will be working on it the most. Overall, red jasper has a gentle nature, not prone to burning you out with high energetic demands, so it is beneficial to wear or carry for daily balance and harmony.

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Working with the throat chakra, aquamarine enhances our ability to communicate our thoughts and emotions clearly and with conviction. It also helps provide a feeling of peace, especially during conflicts or tense, passionate conversations.

How to Use Aquamarine

If you are giving a presentation or have a meeting where you need to communicate effectively and confidently, it is smart to carry aquamarine with you. Additionally, if you have found it difficult to be honest with yourself or others about your feelings, aquamarine can help unblock the flow of your emotions.

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Tiger’s Eye

Believed by the ancient Egyptian’s to be all-seeing, tiger’s eye was chosen as the eyes in deity statues. It is known to provide clarity, calmness, and insight to help you make decisive decisions. Tiger’s eye is also thought to give you the confidence to take risks, be bolder, and stand a little taller. 

How to Use Tiger’s Eye

If you find you are intensely emotional, or have trouble making decisions without your emotions overwhelming you, tiger’s eye is an effective stone to keep in your life. Additionally, if you are making a move, changing jobs, or taking some leap of faith, tiger’s eye spurs up the courage you need to make it through an uncertain time.

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Chrysocolla is truly a supportive stone for every facet of life. It encourages heartfelt conversations, feelings of self-love and peace, and the elimination of fear and doubt. Like red jasper, chrysocolla is a nurturing energy not prone to burning you out, but instead providing you with an uplifting and calming energy for your day to day life.

How to Use Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is an advantageous stone to use in spaces where you meditate, do yoga, or perform any self-care practice. It is also helpful to carry when you are having deep or emotional conversations with a loved one. Wherever you feel you need a bit more tranquility and love in your life, chrysocolla is a valuable stone to have.

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Any of these stones and crystals can be wonderful additions to your spiritual practice or wardrobe, and ultimately, what is most beneficial is choosing crystals that you are drawn to.

Your soul knows best what you need for personal healing if that is your intention. If one of these crystals captured your attention, it is likely an energy that you need more of at this time. Follow that attention and be open to wherever your intuition takes you during your crystal healing and/or spiritual journey! 

Do you have a favorite crystal you recommend to others? Leave a comment letting us know!

Nanci Carmona

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